Every year, many students graduate from universities all over Sierra Leone. However, the resources available to these students are limited, and very often, students graduate without ever having used a computer or the internet. Ownership of personal computers and laptops is rare in Sierra Leone. Keeping in mind the high unemployment levels, it is even more important to prepare these recent graduates for their future jobs and provide them with the necessary skillset to make them more employable.
Numerous large companies update their computer equipment frequently with newer and faster models to keep up to date with the ever-increasing speed and power requirements. However, the out-dated equipment is generally still in good working condition with a considerable lifespan remaining. One such large company is SAMSKIP [link], a global logistics company with over 1,400 employees worldwide. Another company is Islandsbanki [link], an Icelandic bank with more than 900 employees, established in 1884. Both companies offered to donate a substantial number of used computers, laptops, and other computer equipment to us at Aurora Foundation for our computer training. Thanks to these donations, Aurora offers different ICT training in Freetown, including 2-week beginner training, 3-week intermediate training, and specialized Excel training.
ICT trainings
2016 -
Sierra Leone