um okkur
Hlutverk okkar er að styðja við þróun og menningu. Verkefnum okkar er ætlað að örva samfélög á sjálfbæran máta
markmið og hlutverk
Við trúum á frelsið og sköpunarkraftinn sem býr í vilja mannsins Markmið okkar er að hlúa að og rækta þennan kraft þar sem þörf er á
Hlutverk okkar er að styðja við þróun og menningu. Verkefnum okkar er ætlað að örva samfélög á sjálfbæran máta
Mannlíf þróast þar sem einstaklingar fá að fara sínar eigin leiðir og hafa tækifæri til að láta reyna á hæfileika sína og samkennd með öðrum
Frelsi og máttur viljans birtist í menningunni. Hún færir von og tilgang þangað sem skortur og hindranir hafa komið í veg fyrir að mannlíf dafni
Aurora velgerðasjóður var settur á laggirnar að frumkvæði hjónanna Ingibjargar Kristjánsdóttur, landslagsarkitekts, og Ólafs Ólafssonar, athafnamanns og frumkvöðuls. Sjóðurinn var stofnaður 23. janúar 2007, á fimmtugsafmæli Ólafs.
Stofnfé Auroru velgerðasjóðs var einn milljarður króna sem stofnendur lögðu honum til. Ráðstöfunarfé sjóðsins hverju sinni eru vaxtatekjur og annar arður af stofnfé, auk annars fjár sem sjóðnum kann að áskotnast.
Sjóðurinn er sjálfseignarstofnun með sjálfstæða stjórn um fjármuni sem sjóðnum hafa verið afhentir með óafturkræfum hætti.
Fimm manna stjórn er kjörin á ársfundi Aurora velgerðasjóðs. Stjórnin ber ábyrgð á stefnumörkun og rekstri sjóðsins en hún hefur til hliðsjónar starfsreglur sem gerðar voru þegar sjóðurinn var stofnaður.
Building relationships and trust is an integral part of everything Aurora Foundation does. The people of the board believe that the power of cooperation generates the trust necessary for the projects to benefit future generations. They all share a common vision of the importance of creative thinking, patience in problem solving and cultural sensitivity.
Ólafur Ólafsson
Ólafur is the current chairman and co-founder of the Aurora Foundation. An infallible optimist, he is no stranger to challenging projects. Ever since first becoming interested in Africa’s developmental challenges as a member of the board of the Red Cross in Iceland, he has been committed to supporting educational and cultural projects. After decades of working closely with people across the world, it is his ability to connect people, create synergies and develop opportunities that best defines Ólafur’s unique contribution to Aurora.

Ólafur Ólafsson
Chairman of the board

Ingibjörg Kristjánsdóttir
Board member

Regína Bjarnadóttir
Executive Director

Ólafur Orri
Board member

Stefán Ingi Stefánsson
Board member

Ómar Berg Torfason
Board member
Ólafur is the current chairman and co-founder of the Aurora Foundation. An infallible optimist, he is no stranger to challenging projects. Ever since first becoming interested in Africa’s developmental challenges as a member of the board of the Red Cross in Iceland, he has been committed to supporting educational and cultural projects. After decades of working closely with people across the world, it is his ability to connect people, create synergies and develop opportunities that best defines Ólafur’s unique contribution to Aurora.
As the first chairman and the co-founder of the Aurora Foundation it is only natural that the foundation progressed alongside Ingibjörg’s way of thinking. Having worked in the creative industries all her professional life, as a landscape architect and partner at Landmótun, she is committed to the idea that creative solutions to global challenges can instigate new ways of thinking. She gained her first insight into the field of philanthropy as a board member of UNICEF in Iceland. This experience shaped her firm belief that by constantly striving to be creative, honest and compassionate and by making positive, incremental changes to whatever is within our power, we can move mountains.
Before joining Aurora Foundation Regina was the Head of Research at Arion Bank, Iceland. Her work experience includes being a macroeconomic specialist for the Central Bank of Iceland, a programme officer for UNDP in Guyana, and a consultant for CRU Strategies in London. Regina was the president of the National Committee of UN Women in Iceland 2008–2011. A compassionate perfectionist, she has fought for the causes she cares deeply about, such as gender issues, youth development and the sustainable use of natural resources throughout her career.
Passionate about design, and environmental and social change, Ólafur brings a unique perspective to Aurora, pulled from his professional experience in sustainability and management consulting. In his previous work, he led Sustainability for a large European shipping company, forming the strategy for them to become Europe’s leading sustainable container transport provider. Today he applies his logistics expertise at the same company, where he leads the Network Optimization team. Combined with his engineering background, Ólafur brings an analytical and creative problem-solving mindset to the table at Aurora, with the goal of creating sustainable long-term change and improvement in the socio-economic environment of Sierra Leone.
Stefán has been with the Aurora Foundation since 2014. He is a highly dedicated, creative and results- driven individual. These characteristics were evident when he first approached Aurora’s founders to set up the Icelandic National Committee for UNICEF, of which he was also its first Executive Director. Stefán is currently working for the UN in Latina America and the Caribbean where he leads the partnerships work for the region for one of the lead UN agencies.
Ómar’s contribution to the board is to provide valuable insights into the world of international trade and development. He has a M.Sc. degree in Data Mining and Knowledge Management, which perfectly aligns with his personal qualities of accuracy, thoroughness and attention to detail. Currently, Ómar runs his own business, UNIZIAA, where he specialises in decision modelling, technology and sustainability, all of which is integral to the work of the Aurora Foundation.