Grein um Lettie Stuart Pottery Center og Sweet Salone verkefnið okkar


INSIGHT magazine heimsótti okkur hjá Auroru og fóru í vettfangsferð til Waterloo að heimsækja Keramikverkstæðið, Lettie Stuart Pottery til þess að kynnast betur Sweet Salone verkefninu okkar og einkum sögunni á bak við Keramikverkstæðið.

The Waterloo Potters of Sierra Leone – creativity from clay

Six artists and bands received the 2024 Kraumur Music Awards 

Six artists and bands received the 2024 Kraumur Music Awards 

The Kraumur Music Award was awarded for the seventeenth time last night for the Icelandic records that stand out in terms of quality, ambition and originality.  The Kraumur Music Award is an annual album award that has been awarded since 2008. It is intended to...