by Gudbjorg Lara Masdottir | feb 3, 2023 | Other Courses and Trainings, Pre-Accelerator programme, Uncategorized
Hickmatu is a young inspiring Sierra Leonean photographer, we got to know Hickmatu when she joined Aurora Impact’s 3rd Cohort back in 2020. We have kept a close eye on her since then, and it has been inspiring to say the least, to see the beauty she has...
by Gudbjorg Lara Masdottir | jan 5, 2023 | Pottery School, Uncategorized
Mikil gleði ríkti föstudaginn 25. nóvember síðastliðinn. Þann dag fórum við og sóttum nýjar vélar sem beðið hafði verið lengi eftir. Lagt var af stað frá skrifstofunni okkar í Freetown niður á höfn snemma morguns, við tóku ýmis verkefni sem leysa þurfti á höfninni til...
by Gudbjorg Lara Masdottir | des 23, 2022 | Aurora Impact, Other Courses and Trainings, Uncategorized
The ICT Training for Beginners was a series of training sessions organized in collaboration with Girls Empowerment Sierra Leone (GESL) for 40 secondary school girls. The training aimed to provide basic knowledge and skills in information and communication technology...
by Gudbjorg Lara Masdottir | des 23, 2022 | Uncategorized
2022 IN A NUTSHELL We celebrated some major milestones, including the launch of several new products and the expansion of our team. It was a year of growth and progress, and we are so proud to have achieved so much in such a short amount of time. We look forward to...
by Gudbjorg Lara Masdottir | des 16, 2022 | Uncategorized
The Aurora Impact team traveled up country mid-December to pay a visit to 3 start-ups that are a part of Aurora Impact’s 5th Cohort, who have their businesses far away from Freetown. The travel took 3 days. The 13th of December was an early rise for the team,...
by Gudbjorg Lara Masdottir | des 15, 2022 | Uncategorized
6 LISTAMENN OG HLJÓMSVEITIR HLJÓTA KRAUMSVERÐLAUNIN 2022 Innilega til hamingju: · Final Boss Type ZERO – 1000 Cuts · gugusar – 12:48 · KUSK – Skvaldur · Kvikindi – Ungfrú Ísland · Oh Mama – Hamraborg · Una Torfa – Flækt og týnd og einmana...