Stjórn Auroru hittist loksins!

Stjórn Auroru hittist loksins!

Stjórn Auroru hittist loks í eigin persónu nú í ágúst – eftir að hafa einungis fundað á TEAMS undanfarin tvö ár! Fundurinn stóð í tvo daga og ræddi stjórnin bæði þróun Auroru undanfarin tvö ár og lagði línurnar fyrir næstu árin. Stjórnin velti upp þróun einstakra...
2020 in a nutshell!

2020 in a nutshell!

Looking back on 2020, we can say the year has not been boring! Even though the year did not develop as we all planned, we can definitely look back on an interesting year with many achievements: January Starting the year with a bang, we welcomed both Eva María...
Mohamed Okanu and Osman Kargbo

Mohamed Okanu and Osman Kargbo

Mohamed is in his twenties and works at his uncle’s tailor shop in the Lumley Beach market. Mohamed’s parents separated when he was very young, and he was forced to live with his grandmother in Port Loko most of his earlier years. His uncle was concerned about his...

Amie Julius

Amie loves playing ball games with her friends, and dreams of going to college to become a bank manager. In the meantime, she spends most of her time helping her parents out selling Sierra Leonean arts and crafts at their Lumley beach market stall in Freetown. We...