by Biruk Markos | des 3, 2024 | Pop-up market, Sweet Salone
On Wednesday, November 27, at 5:00 PM, the Aurora Foundation’s pop-up market opened. There, you can find beautiful, handcrafted design products created by artisans in Sierra Leone and designed by Icelandic designers. At the same time, a photography exhibition by...
by Gudbjorg Lara Masdottir | okt 16, 2023 | Pop-up market, Uncategorized
We are thrilled to announce the newest addition to the Aurora Foundation Store – books by Sierra Leonean authors! We believe in the power of stories, and these new arrivals offer an opportunity to immerse yourself in the vibrant narratives of this beautiful nation....
by Gudbjorg Lara Masdottir | des 12, 2022 | Mengi, Pop-up market
Last weekend we hosted our third pop-up market in Iceland. All the products that were available were of course 100% handmade in Sierra Leone, like everything from our Sweet Salone brand. This year we shared the space with the book publisher Angústura! They focus on...
by Gudbjorg Lara Masdottir | nóv 24, 2022 | Keramikverkstæði, Pop-up market, Pottery School, Sweet Salone
Síðastliðna helgi var pop-up markaður Sweet Salone haldinn á skrifstofu Aurora Foundation í Freetown. Aðsókn fór fram úr öllum okkar væntingum, við erum afskaplega ánægð með þátttökuna og gleðina sem ríkti alla helgina. Við hlökkum einnig gríðarlega mikið til þess að...