by Gudbjorg Lara Masdottir | des 23, 2022 | Uncategorized
2022 IN A NUTSHELL We celebrated some major milestones, including the launch of several new products and the expansion of our team. It was a year of growth and progress, and we are so proud to have achieved so much in such a short amount of time. We look forward to...
by Gudbjorg Lara Masdottir | des 16, 2022 | Uncategorized
The Aurora Impact team traveled up country mid-December to pay a visit to 3 start-ups that are a part of Aurora Impact’s 5th Cohort, who have their businesses far away from Freetown. The travel took 3 days. The 13th of December was an early rise for the team,...
by Gudbjorg Lara Masdottir | des 15, 2022 | Uncategorized
6 LISTAMENN OG HLJÓMSVEITIR HLJÓTA KRAUMSVERÐLAUNIN 2022 Innilega til hamingju: · Final Boss Type ZERO – 1000 Cuts · gugusar – 12:48 · KUSK – Skvaldur · Kvikindi – Ungfrú Ísland · Oh Mama – Hamraborg · Una Torfa – Flækt og týnd og einmana...
by Gudbjorg Lara Masdottir | des 12, 2022 | Mengi, Pop-up market
Last weekend we hosted our third pop-up market in Iceland. All the products that were available were of course 100% handmade in Sierra Leone, like everything from our Sweet Salone brand. This year we shared the space with the book publisher Angústura! They focus on...
by Gudbjorg Lara Masdottir | des 3, 2022 | Uncategorized
Vikan 28. nóvember – 2. desember fór í það að halda tvö námskeið í stafrænni færni hér á skrifstofunni okkar í Freetown. Verkefnið tilheyrir Aurora Impact, aðaláhersla Aurora Impact er á færniþjálfun ungra frumkvöðla í Sierra Leone. Andrúmsloftið var fullt af...