Annað „Ideation Programme“!


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Umsóknir fyrir prógrammið hafa opnað og mun það hefjast 17. maí. Hægt er að skoða skalið fyrir neðan fyrir frekari upplýsingar, eða senda skilaboð á WhatsApp á +232 (0)79 72 85 74!

The Journey of Margret Yankin Mansaray

The Journey of Margret Yankin Mansaray

                                                                                                                                                                                                      We are thrilled to highlight the inspiring journey of Margret...

Aurora Foundation Celebrates Grand Opening of The Aurora House

Aurora Foundation Celebrates Grand Opening of The Aurora House

On February 5, 2025, Aurora Foundation marked a monumental milestone with the grand opening of its new office and shop, The Aurora House, located at 35 Fraser Street, Freetown, Sierra Leone. This event, attended by esteemed government officials, UN agencies, nonprofit...