The Journey of AUGMAC Farms (SL) Limited


AUGMAC Farms (SL) Limited is an agro-business mainly focused on the cassava value chain producing plain white garri. This business was established in 2021 but officially registered and incorporated as a private company on the 30th of November 2021 under the laws of the Republic of Sierra Leone. Its Vision is an improved rural livelihood in Sierra Leone and sustainable global food systems.

Augustine Marcarty participated in the Investment Readiness Bootcamp in October 2023 and successfully completed an intensive six-month training. This training helped him improve his marketing and sales strategies, leading to increased profitability and funding from external donors. As a result of his hard work, he was selected as one of the top seven applicants to pitch at the Aurora Foundation pitching competition.

Since the inception of AUGMAC Farms, he has cultivated a variety of crops, including groundnuts, and vegetables, leveraging the fertile lands of Sierra Leone. Over the past two years, the company has expanded its operations significantly, investing in modern farming equipment, a production centre, and training programs for local farmers.

AUGMAC Farms has been growing steadily in both production and revenue. They achieved this by using advanced farming methods and maintaining high quality. This helped them increase the number of crops they produced and expand where they sold. People buy their products locally within their area of operation and in neighboring areas. The company is known for being reliable and producing top-quality garri. Their business involves adding value to cassava by making it into garri and flour and using cassava peels as animal feed.

AUGMAC business is legally registered with the Cooperate Affairs Commission and registered with the NRA with a TIN number. He produces high-quality, nutritious food using innovative and environmentally friendly agricultural practices while empowering local farmers through education and capacity-building training. He works with four volunteers, three men and one woman.

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