Mini Market Sweet Salone


Our brand, Sweet Salone is a favorite of many here in Freetown, Sierra Leone. When it comes to design, Sierra Leone is still in its early stages, lacking accessible local design schools to nurture specialized skills. We saw this gap and we decided to embark on a research journey (back in 2016!). We explored the diverse types of production in Sierra Leone—ranging from household goods, furniture, clothing, and jewelry to art. Simultaneously, we meticulously documented the makers, materials used, and traditional production techniques.

And today, we proudly offer a great range of beautiful handmade 100% Sierra Leonean products, are working with skilled artists, and providing support to carry the knowledge onward to future generations and grow the creative sector within Sierra Leone whilst simultaneously fostering cross-cultural collaborations.

At the beginning of June, we decided to keep our Freetown storefront open a little bit longer, providing fellow Freetonians with the opportunity to come and enjoy the environment and atmosphere of our welcoming space to explore our products and get to know the brand more personally. It was a great success and we look forward to more late openings for and with our wonderfully supportive community.

We have launched a new webshop
Check us out on Instagram; @sweetsalone_
And on Facebook: @sweetsaloneofficial

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