Aurora gefur boli til barna í Susan‘s Bay


Fyrir nokkrum vikum varð hræðilegur bruni í Susan‘s Bay, fátækrarhverfi við sjávarsíðu Freetown. Í síðustu viku heimsóttum við staðinn til að gefa börnum á svæðinu stuttermaboli. Hverfið er heimili rúmlega 4,500 manns og eitt stærsta óformlega hverfið í borginni. Húsakofarnir eru mjög þétt byggðir, mannmergðin mikil og nánast engar götur, því átti slökkviliðið í miklum erfiðleikum með að nálgast staðinn. Talið er að um 200 heimili hafi eyðilagst og í kringum 7000 manns hafa orðið fyrir áhrifum brunans á einn eða annan hátt..

Bolina fengum við gefins frá Íslandsbanka.

Lettie Stuart Pottery School Exhibition

Lettie Stuart Pottery School Exhibition

We are delighted to share the resounding success of the recent Pottery School Exhibition held at Lettie Stuart Pottery in Waterloo on March 14th. The event, hosted by Aurora Foundation, was a vibrant celebration of the remarkable progress achieved by the students of...

Business Model Canvas training – IR Bootcamp

Business Model Canvas training – IR Bootcamp

On March 12th, the Aurora Foundation Training Center buzzed with entrepreneurial energy as we hosted a dynamic Business Model Canvas training session tailored for IR Bootcamp startup businesses. Facilitated by our adept Aurora Impact Programme Manager, Mavis Madaure,...

Successful compelition of ICT Webpage Development Overview Course

Successful compelition of ICT Webpage Development Overview Course

We are excited to share the successful conclusion of our recent 2-week ICT Web Development overview and outline course, finalized on February 27th at the Aurora Office Training Center. Participants joined us on February 12th for a week-long exploration of ICT Webpage...