Mary Roberts þakklát fyrir að hafa fengið tækifæri til að efla rekstur sinn með smáláni


Mary Roberts er ein þeirra sjálfstætt starfandi kvenna í Sierra Leone sem hafa fengið svokallað smálán (e. Microcredit) frá Aurora velgerðasjóði í gegnum GGEM (Grassroot Gender Empowerment Movement). Mary fékk 3 milljónir Leone (rúmlega 80.000 kr.) að láni í janúar 2015. Hún selur hefðbundinn afrískan klæðnað í búð sinni í Freetown og notaði hún lánið til þess að auka við birgðir verslunarinnar. Hún hefur nú þegar borgað til baka fyrstu fimm afborganir sínar og er þakklát fyrir að hafa fengið tækifæri til þess að geta eflt rekstur sinn á þennan hátt.

Lettie Stuart Pottery School Exhibition

Lettie Stuart Pottery School Exhibition

We are delighted to share the resounding success of the recent Pottery School Exhibition held at Lettie Stuart Pottery in Waterloo on March 14th. The event, hosted by Aurora Foundation, was a vibrant celebration of the remarkable progress achieved by the students of...

Business Model Canvas training – IR Bootcamp

Business Model Canvas training – IR Bootcamp

On March 12th, the Aurora Foundation Training Center buzzed with entrepreneurial energy as we hosted a dynamic Business Model Canvas training session tailored for IR Bootcamp startup businesses. Facilitated by our adept Aurora Impact Programme Manager, Mavis Madaure,...

Successful compelition of ICT Webpage Development Overview Course

Successful compelition of ICT Webpage Development Overview Course

We are excited to share the successful conclusion of our recent 2-week ICT Web Development overview and outline course, finalized on February 27th at the Aurora Office Training Center. Participants joined us on February 12th for a week-long exploration of ICT Webpage...