Performing Arts in Iceland

Performing Arts in Iceland

Over the last decade, many ambitious and outstanding performance art projects have been staged in Iceland. The creative force behind this upward trend has been well noted abroad. To further support this development, Aurora Foundation has been calling for innovative...
Hrókurinn Chess Club

Hrókurinn Chess Club

Since 2003, the Icelandic Chess Club Hrókurinn (e. Rook) has worked diligently in introducing the game of chess to the people of Greenland. Hitherto the game has been almost unknown in the country. The members of the club have travelled to many of Greenland’s towns...
Fish Landing Sites in Sierra Leone

Fish Landing Sites in Sierra Leone

Four fish landing sites (in Goderich, Tombo, Shenge and Bonth) were built in 2010 by the African Development Fund (ADF) to promote the fishing industry in Sierra Leone. Despite good intentions they have been sitting idle since construction was completed, mostly due to...
Educational Project in Kono, Sierra Leone

Educational Project in Kono, Sierra Leone

During the 1991-2002 civil war in Sierra Leone a large part of the educational system was devastated, which meant that a great number of children lost the opportunity to attend school. By the end of the war, less than 70% of primary aged school children had received...
Child-To-Child Radio Programme In Mozambique

Child-To-Child Radio Programme In Mozambique

Radio is the most popular media medium in Africa. In Mozambique, 800 young people and children participated in the making of a radio programme aimed at children and adults all over the country. UNICEF supported the project, which helped these children and teenagers to...