Welcome to the opening of Sweet Salone & 1+1+1


We hereby invite you to the opening of Sweet Salone & 1+1+1 on Wednesday, March 14th at 17:00 in Mengi, Óðinsgötu 2, 101 Reykjavik.

There we will be celebrating a colorful cooperation between the Nordic design team 1+1+1 and craftspeople in Sierra Leone.

1+1+1 is an experimental collaboration between designers from three Nordic countries: Hugdetta from Iceland, Petra Lilja from Sweden and Aalto+Aalto from Finland.

In the new collection of 1+1+1, the fusion of sleek Nordic design and rustic African craftsmanship results in exciting new shapes and forms. Sharing ideas, working together and learning from one another has made a profound impact and, improved lives.

The final result is the combination of joy, hope, knowledge, and friendship, experienced by all those involved.

Mengi will be open during Design March as follows:

  1. March: 17:00–19:00, 15-16. March: 11:00–17:00, 17-18. March: 12:00–17:00

The products will be sold in Geysir Heima on Skólavörðustígur following the exhibition on DesignMarch.

For further information on the project SWEET SALONE please see here.

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