Successful completion of a 3 week ICT training on Coding and Programming


We are thrilled to share the exciting outcomes of the recent ICT training hosted by Aurora Foundation at our training center. Over the course of three intensive weeks, participants delved into the world of coding and programming, guided by the expertise of Byte Limited.

The training curriculum was meticulously designed to equip participants with essential skills in HTML webpage development, JavaScript, CSS, and more. It aimed not only to enhance technical proficiency but also to cultivate a passion for innovation and problem-solving in ICT.

Initially, we welcomed 25 eager participants to the program. Their enthusiasm and dedication were evident throughout the training period. Despite the challenges posed by the rigorous curriculum, we are proud to announce that 18 participants successfully completed the training.

Among the graduates, 2 impressive individuals demonstrated outstanding performance in both the final examination and project presentation, earning their well-deserved certificates. Their achievements reflect not only their hard work but also the quality of instruction provided by Byte Limited and the supportive environment fostered at Aurora Foundation.


Each participant’s journey was unique, marked by personal growth and new skills acquired. They now stand prepared to contribute actively to the ever-evolving field of ICT, embodying our commitment to empowering individuals through education and opportunity.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Byte Limited for their invaluable partnership and commend all participants for their perseverance and determination. Together, we continue to make strides towards a more digitally skilled community.

For more updates and stories of Aurora Foundation’s impactful work, please visit our website at Join us as we celebrate this milestone in our mission to empower through education.

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