Successful compelition of Marketing Bootcamp for UNDP’s Growth Accelerator Programme



We are thrilled to share the success of our recent three-day Marketing Bootcamp, held at New Brooksfield Hotel from August 14 to 16, 2024. This impactful event was designed for the 18 women-led MSMEs participating in the UNDP Growth Accelerator Programme, aiming to equip them with essential marketing skills and trade knowledge.

The bootcamp kicked off with a warm welcome and an engaging introduction to the sessions. Over the course of three days, participants delved deeply into the intricacies of marketing for entrepreneurs, guided by Ajara Marie Bomah. Her sessions were a deep dive into effective marketing strategies tailored for small and medium-sized enterprises, ensuring the entrepreneurs walked away with actionable insights.


Day 2 was particularly exciting as it featured a comprehensive pitching workshop led by Mavis. This session was instrumental in helping participants refine their business pitches, making them more compelling and investor-ready.

The final day offered a unique opportunity for attendees to interact directly with Mr Christian Larvai, the Deputy director Entrepreneurial Development from the Ministry of Trade and Industries. These sessions provided invaluable guidance on export regulations, documentation, and taxation specifics relevant to their industries. The hands-on Q&A allowed for in-depth exploration of the complexities of trade, ensuring that our entrepreneurs are well-prepared to expand their reach beyond local markets.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to Ajara Marie Bomah, Mavis, and the Ministry of Trade and Industries for their expertise and commitment. The feedback from participants has been overwhelmingly positive, underscoring the bootcamp’s role in empowering and enhancing the capabilities of these remarkable women entrepreneurs.

Stay tuned for more updates and opportunities as we continue to support and celebrate the growth of our local MSMEs.

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