Kraumur Music Awards shortlist for 2019


Aurora is proud to announce that today Aurora´s Music Fund, Kraumur, announced the 2019 short list for the Kraumur Music Award. It is an annual music prize awarded for the best albums released by Icelandic artists.

This is the twelveth year in a row that Kraumur announces its shortlist of albums that are thought to have excelled during the year in terms of quality, ambitions and originality.

There is great variety on the list this year. Music for all different spectrums including pop music, hipp hopp, techno and electrical music, rock, punk, jazz and music for movies.

The list this year has both recorded from well established musicians that have been making headwaves abroad over the past year, such as Hildur Gudnadottir, that is received nomination for Grammy Awards and the techno musician Bjarki that has been playing all over the world and just released his fourth album. As well as exciting newcommers such as Between Mountains, Asta Pjetursdottir, Gugusar, Scoffing and Sunna Margret.

There were over 370 Icelandic releases that were judged by the panel for the shortlist this year. Out of those, these make up the shortlist:


  • Anda­vald – Und­ir Skyggðahaldi
  • Ásta Pjet­urs­dótt­ir – Syk­urbað
  • Berg­lind María Tóm­as­dótt­ir – Her­berg­ing
  • Between Mountains – Between Mountains
  • Bjarki – Happy Eart­hday
  • Coun­tess Malaise – Hystería
  • Fel­ix Leif­ur – Brot
  • Grísalappalísa – Týnda rás­in
  • Gróa – Í glimmer heimi
  • Gugus­ar – Mar­tröð
  • Hild­ur Guðna­dótt­ir – Cherno­byl
  • Hist og – Days of Tundra
  • Hlökk – Huldu­hljóð
  • Hush – Pand­emonial Winds
  • K.óla – Allt verður all­tílæ
  • kef LAVÍK – Blautt heitt langt vont sum­ar
  • Kort­er í flog – Anna & Bern­h­ard Blume (drepa alla fas­ista)
  • Krist­ín Anna – I must be the devil
  • Milena Glowacka – Radi­ance
  • Myrra Rós – Thoug­ht Spun
  • Si­deproj­ect – sand­in­ista relea­se party / ætla fara god­mode
  • Skoff­ín – Skoff­ín bjarg­ar heim­in­um
  • Stor­my Daniels – Agi styrk­ur ein­beit­ing harka út­hald hafa gam­an
  • Sunna Mar­grét – Art of History
  • Tumi Árna­son / Magnús Trygva­son Eli­assen — Allt er ómælið

All types of music are considered for the short list and there are no categories. All types of releases are considered, whether it is vinyl, cd or only online.

Kraumur started the Music Awards in 2008 and they have been done yearly ever since. In total 56 bands or artists have received the awards, whilst over 200 have been nominated.

Photo with the news: Auður and GDRN, they were one of the ones the won the Music Awards in 2018.

The Kraumur Music Awards short list is chosen by a panel of 8 people that have extensive experience from the Icelandic music scene in one way or another. The panel in 2018 are made up of the following persons; Árni Matthíasson (chairman), Arnar Eggert Thoroddsen, Birna María Másdóttir, Helga Þórey Jónsdóttir, Trausti Júlíusson, Tanya Lind, Þorbjörg Roach Gunnarsdóttir og Óli Dóri.

Out if this short list 6 albums will receive the Kraumur Music Award 2019, the winners will be announced later in December.



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