Guest speakers at Aurora Impact


About 8 weeks ago, we kicked off our Pre-Accelerator programme with 7 start-ups. This means that we are almost half way through the programme, so a good reason to reflect a little on the speakers that have engaged in the programme over the past weeks.

First off, the entrepreneurs had the benefit of listening to one of the founders of Easy Solar, Alexandre Tourre. Alex talked, amongst other things, about the journey Easy Solar has had so far, the challenges and opportunities of doing business in Sierra Leone and about their market research in this specific environment.

Following, Henry Henrysson visited our office and led an interactive session on critical thinking. Henry discussed common biases, and how to avoid those.

And last but not least, Ajara Bomah, founder and CEO of Women Mean Business, came in and talked about how the students could develop their brand story. Ajara took our students on a journey of how to develop your story and the different ways of promoting one’s business through the available channels.

We would like to express our gratitude to all of our guest speakers who have engaged in the programme so far as they have all dedicated their time and energy pro bono in order to help our start-ups move forward. Are you also interested in speaking for our start-ups? Please send an e-mail to

On another note, we would also like to inform you that due to the Covid-19 virus, we are also taking necessary precautions to ensure the health and safety of our staff and students. Therefore, we have closed our office until further notice. Our pre-accelerator programme will continue digitally and we keep close contact with all of our students. If you have any questions whatsoever, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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