Collaboration with Save the Children Iceland


Barnaheill – Save the Children in Iceland and Aurora recently signed a collaboration agreement about producing hand-crafted bracelets under the Sweet Salone project in Sierra Leone. The bracelets will be sold by Save the Children Iceland to raise funds for projects implemented in Sierra Leone.

Aurora is delighted to be collaborating with Save the Children for such a worthy cause. Aurora has contracted ten local artisans in Freetown, of which seven are women, to produce the bracelets. In the beginning, Aurora invited artisans already working on the Sweet Salone project to compete and design a bracelet for the fundraising campaign. Hanna Samura, an artisan and saleswoman at the Lumley Beach Market in Freetown, designed the bracelet chosen for the campaign. Nine other artisans of the Lumley Beach Market were offered to join the production team as the order from Save the Children was very large. This work comes at a critical time for the artisans, as the rainy season of the summer months has just begun when all regular business slows down significantly. Therefore, they were exceptionally excited to get this large order, which will generate a substantial income for the artisans at the Lumley Beach Market.

The work started with all the artisans coming together with Aurora and planning and discussing the production.

First Artisan Meet-Up at Aurora House:

First Artisan Meet-Up at Aurora House:

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