2020 í hnotskurn!

2020 í hnotskurn!

Þegar við lítum til baka á árið 2020 getum við sagt að það hafi síst af öllu verið leiðinlegt! Þó svo að árið hafi ekki þróast eins og búist var við þá getum við litið til baka á áhugavert ár með sínum mörgu afrekum hér hjá Aurora. Janúar Við hófum árið með hvelli með...
Mohamed Okanu and Osman Kargbo

Mohamed Okanu and Osman Kargbo

Mohamed is in his twenties and works at his uncle’s tailor shop in the Lumley Beach market. Mohamed’s parents separated when he was very young, and he was forced to live with his grandmother in Port Loko most of his earlier years. His uncle was concerned about his...


Last week, we organised a ‘get-ready-for-Christmas-market’ in Freetown! For 2 days we transformed Aurora’s office to a marketplace where different goods were sold, all made by artisans we cooperate with! With all sales made at the Christmas market, we donated 10% to...