Uman Tok is thriving!

Uman Tok is thriving!

Last November during our ‘Get-ready-for-Christmas-market’, we donated 10% of all sales to the Sierra Leonean charity Uman Tok. Therefore, we were very happy to receive news from Uman Tok this week that with the donation, they have been able to provide...
Heimildamynd um Hugdettu og Sweet Salone!

Heimildamynd um Hugdettu og Sweet Salone!

Nú nýlega var gefin út heimildamynd um Hugdettu, hönnunarteymi sem hefur unnið með Auroru velgerðasjóði að Sweet Salone verkefninu. Hugdetta er vöru -og innanhússhönnunar fyrirtæki sem staðsett er í Þingeyjarsveit og í heimildamyndinni er tekið fyrir hvort tveggja...
Aurora webshop!

Aurora webshop!

Aurora Foundation has been an active participant in the arts and crafts industry through our Sweet Salone project. Icelandic designed goods produced in Sierra Leone have been sold in various shops in Iceland. The designs are often a result of a collaboration between...