by Suzanne Regterschot | Jan 29, 2021 | Computer project, Funded Projects and Donations
Yesterday, on behalf of Aurora, Veronica and Suzanne visited Ola During Children’s Hospital in the East of Freetown to donate six computers, screens, and accessories. The computers will both be used to support the training of their staff and supplying their staff...
by Suzanne Regterschot | Jan 22, 2021 | Sweet Salone
Last November during our ‘Get-ready-for-Christmas-market’, we donated 10% of all sales to the Sierra Leonean charity Uman Tok. Therefore, we were very happy to receive news from Uman Tok this week that with the donation, they have been able to provide...
by Suzanne Regterschot | Dec 31, 2020 | Uncategorized
Þegar við lítum til baka á árið 2020 getum við sagt að það hafi síst af öllu verið leiðinlegt! Þó svo að árið hafi ekki þróast eins og búist var við þá getum við litið til baka á áhugavert ár með sínum mörgu afrekum hér hjá Aurora. Janúar Við hófum árið með hvelli með...
by Suzanne Regterschot | Dec 28, 2020 | Other Courses and Trainings
As we write this post, we are almost halfway through the program with the second Cohort of our pre-accelerator programme! We are very excited to see the number of applicants (and interest) rise for this program, as well as to see the different business ideas that...
by Suzanne Regterschot | Dec 16, 2020 | Pre-Accelerator programme
Week 6 of the pre-acceleration program: 8 Start-ups 12 Interactive sessions 3 Pitches performed 2 Guest speakers 1 Crash course This is part of what has happened in the past six weeks of the pre-acceleration program! The eight start-ups have set goals, talked to their...