Marketing Sessions at Lettie Stuart

Marketing Sessions at Lettie Stuart

Last week, Yasmin Metz-Johnson, founder of Yasmin Tells, visited the Lettie Stuart Pottery Centre in Waterloo, where she led a workshop on how to market the pottery products! With the festive season (and its Christmas markets around Freetown) coming up in a few weeks,...
The first Cohort is a fact!

The first Cohort is a fact!

Last Tuesday, October 13th 2020 to be precise, marked the day our first Cohort graduated from the Pre-Accelerator Program! All seven startups went through a rollercoaster over the past months – they started the program in February to develop their business ideas, but...
Throwback time – OSUSU

Throwback time – OSUSU

It’s exactly one year ago that the first song from USUSU was released! Artists from the UK, Iceland and Sierra Leone started their journey together in November 2018, when 17 of them met up in Sierra Leone during the Music Writing Week. This event was followed by the...