Aurora Design Fund disperses grants to designers for the 11th time


Seven designers and design initiatives received grants from the Aurora Design Fund this spring. Following is the list of grantees:

Hæg breytileg átt is a new housing development project, focusing on progressive, sustainable, economical, and socially-oriented housing solutions in urban areas. The project, a collaboration of Reykjavik City and major institutions of urban housing, art, and design, receives ISK 5,000,000. Website:

Hið íslenska bókmenntafélag, a publishing company, receives ISK 1,200,000, for the preparation and finalizing of a book project on the life and work of architect Gunnlaugur Halldórsson. Website:

Ígló&Indí a childrenswear company receives a grant of ISK 2,000,000 to participate in an overseas expo and to hire a marketing specialist for the label’s marketing the label in the UK. Website:

Graphic designer Aðalbjörg Þórðardóttir and The Tin Can Factory, language school, receive ISK 500,000 to be able to collaborate on designing a language-learning board-game. Website:

Hugdetta design team receives 2,000,000 for marketing research and marketing campaign of their fishbone model-making kit. Website:

Una Baldvinsdóttir recently received her MA degree in textile design. She is granted with ISK 500,000, as a support to her internship at the German design company Bless.

Iceland Design Centre receives ISK 1,000,000 to do research and collect resources for the making of a promotional documentary film on DesignMarch, the annual design festival organized by the center. Website:

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The Journey of Hanan Kambo and Adam’s Garden and Frams

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