Kraumur List presented for the sixth time!


On this year’s Kraumur List there were seven exceptional albums by ambitious musicians. The year 2013 in music was diverse and exciting and all the albums that were nominated for the Kraumur List are very professionally and meticulously done. These are sophisticated works by original, creative and venturesome artists. It wasn’t easy selecting one album from all the quality albums on the Élite list released this year and it is obvious that the music year 2013 was a prosperous one and there is great ambition in Icelandic musicians. The seven albums that surpassed the other releases of the year and were on the Kraumur List were all original, interesting and diverse and Kraumur will do its best in the coming year to promote this work internationally within the media as well as to musical professionals.

Árni Matthíasson, the chairman of the selection committee, announced this year’s seven prize albums.  The allocation of the prizes took place in Kraumur headquarters at Vonarstræti 4b with a good group of guests attending.

Kraumur list 2013 – Prize albums (the list is in alphabetical order):

Cell7 – Cellf

Dj. Flugvél og geimskip – Glamúr í geimnum

Grísalappalísa – Ali

Gunnar Andreas Kristinsson – Patterns

Just Another Snake Cult – Cupid Makes A Fool of Me

Mammút – Komdu til mín svarta systir

Sin Fang – Flowers

Kraumur List presented for the sixth time

The Kraumur List’s objective is to support the release of albums from Icelandic bands and artists – by supporting and promoting new and exciting material – and work that exceed others in quality, ambition and originality. The award is not linked to any particular musical genre and there are no subcategories.  The organisers of the awards hope they can promote the diversity of Icelandic recordings, now that Christmas is near and artists rely on the sale of their work for Christmas gifts.


Kraumur will emphasise supporting all the artists that are selected for the Kraumur List, rather than focusing only on the prize album.  The Fund will support the albums on the Kraumur List and also assist in increasing the artists’ opportunities to promote their work internationally by buying a certain number of copies of the albums and distribute them to various professionals in the international music business (music festivals, recording studios, agencies etc.)

Twenty people were in the selection committee of the Kraumur List in 2013:

Andrea Jónsdóttir, Anna Andersen, Arnar Eggert Thoroddsen, Árni Matthíasson, Benedikt Reynisson, Bob Cluness, Egill Harðarson, Elísabet Indra Ragnarsdóttir, Guðni Tómasson, Haukur Viðar Alfreðsson, Helena Þrastardóttir, Helga Vala Helgadóttir, Helga Þórey Jónsdóttir, Höskuldur Daði Magnússon, María Lilja Þrastardóttir, Ólafur Halldór Ólafsson (Óli Dóri), Ragnheiður Eiríksdóttir, Trausti Júlíusson, Valdís Thor and Þórunn Edda Magnúsdóttir.

The objective of Kraumur List

Kraumur List was established in order to promote and support the release of albums by Icelandic bands and artists

The Objective of the Kraumur List:

To introduce and promote Icelandic music, especially the release of music by young artists and bands.

To award and promote original and interesting Icelandic music albums released each year.

To award and promote music albums which are exceptional in quality, ambition and originality.

The award has no age requirements but the aim is to focus on the younger generation of Icelandic musicians and bands.

The policy of the Kraumur List is to focus on all the titles selected by the selection committee, rather than only one prize album.

The award is not linked to any particular musical genre and there are no subcategories.

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