Aurora Foundation’s annual Beach Day


In the spirit of togetherness and cherished traditions, the Aurora Foundation family came together once again for a day of laughter, games, and relaxation on the picturesque shores of Sierra Leone. This annual gathering, eagerly anticipated by staff, partners, and their families, is a heartwarming tradition that celebrates the bonds that unite us.

On the 21st of October, a radiant Saturday morning, the Aurora Foundation staff and families converged at the office. Waiting patiently was a welcoming van from Hello Sierra Leone, ready to transport everyone to this year’s chosen beach paradise – Cockle Point. Once arrived – games, both playful and competitive, filled the air with excitement. Laughter echoed as participants of all ages engaged in friendly competitions, where oreos and marshmallows became more than just snacks and everyone showed their impressive skills at Limbo.

One of the day’s highlights was the serene lagoon that stretched before us, inviting everyone to bask in its tranquility. Families waded into the calm waters, creating lasting memories as they shared stories, laughter, and precious moments in this calm and peaceful setting.

As the day unfolded, it became abundantly clear that this tradition holds a special place in the hearts of the Aurora Foundation family. The bonds strengthened, the smiles exchanged, and the memories created serve as a testament to the power of coming together, not just as colleagues but as a community. We are already looking forward to the next one.




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